Monday, December 12, 2011


Airfare over spring break is very experience. Other than Orlando, are there other cities to fly into? If so, what is the time/distance to get to Orlando? Thanks.


CAAC, I think you meant to say expensive. Yes there are other cities to fly into. Tampa, Daytona are somewhat near, but don';t think you will find them much cheaper. Where do you live in New York State?


I meant expensive.

I live in NYC if that helps.

We sometimes find that Tampa is quite a bit cheaper than Orlando. The airport is about 1 1/2 hours from Disney if that helps.

Well your user ID said NY. Its a pretty big State, with alot of airports outside of NYC. Can';t really help you other than to say it is a supply and demand deal with the airlines, and you are looking to go at a very popular expensive time. Don';t think you will find any deals. I own a timeshare in Florida during Presidents week, and if I did not have free plane tickets this year, I think I would have had to rent it out as I could not find tickets for less than $400 a person. Very expensive to fly this year.

Can you fly a day earlier or later?I fly in and out of Orlando 3-4 times a month from NYC and have never paid more than $200 but I don%26#39;t fly on Fridays or Sundays because the prices are so much higher. I%26#39;ve found Delta from LGA has the best fares but you have to check back pretty often as the prices change constantly. American sometimes has good fares;I%26#39;ve never found bargains on Jet Blue or Continental though I know other people have.try Melbourne Airport,though I think you have to change in Atlanta. Spirit flights between Atlantic City and Orlando are very well priced. Just keep trying-there%26#39;s three airports to choose from here or you could also try Philadelphia.

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