Monday, December 12, 2011

DQ closing?

I just read in another post from potatofeet that Disneyquest is closing ? Is this true amd when.

DQ closing?

needs to if only to upgrade the games I took my grandchildren in there in Dec and loads were broken

DQ closing?

For the record- I was repeating what I had read on this forum. They said in 2008 it was turning into ESPN zone or something like that. I never heard such info. from an official source, so maybe it%26#39;s not true.

1-1-08 to become the new ESPN Zone

Lousy, overrated, bad viedo games.... out!


oh disney just when I lost all hope... you give me PTI on a 200 inch screen. and a place to go to yell at kirk herbstriet and his overrated pac-10/ norte dame/ ohio state crush.

Wow, disney might actually be listening ( wait, don%26#39;t want to get ahead of myself.... they will probably ruin it with 20 dollars bugers and 30 dollar pitchers.... hopefully they have the sense to put lots of variety of beer on tap, and some at a lukewarm temp for the lot from across the pond)


Seminloe girl-i like DQ. The pirates %26amp; jungle criuse ride were a blast. I do not like sports. Therefore, you are not invited to my birthday party! Too bad, because Gwenyth Paltrow and Kate Winslet are probably coming!

Beats me how anyone can watch steroid taking guys wearing body armour in case they get hit stopping every few mins and call it exciting, watching paint dry has more motion

OOOhhh.. when you put it like that-streoid guys,%26amp; hard body armour..maybe I DO like sports!! Screw that pirate ride..mama%26#39;s %26#39;goin to ESPN!!

There ar some seriously hot hot hot players. FSUs QB is hot. So was clemson%26#39;s this past season...

You might just want to give it a look! :)

potato- I am sad. I can make a wonderful raspberry rum trifle. I was looking forward to forcing gweneth to actually eat something....

Seminolegirl-you%26#39;re back! Alright, you can come, but you have to bring the trifle, %26amp; one of those sports guys! Gwenyth is on some kind of a macrobiotic diet or something. She even named her kid after a fruit! Good! more trifle for us!

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