Monday, December 12, 2011

Rent stroller at MK or bring my own? (I'm driving there)

I am staying at an off-site condo so I will need to drive to MK. Will it be too much of a hassle to bring my own stroller considering Iwill have to lug it from parking lot -to- tram- to- monrail/ferry- to- park? Can I bring my stroller on the monrail/ferry? How difficult is it? Is there a long walk from drop off to stroller rental? OR should I consider renting a stroller once we finally arrive?

Rent stroller at MK or bring my own? (I'm driving there)

This topic was just covered extensively a couple of days ago, so if you find it, it will give you a lot of help. A lot of it depends on the age of your child. The walk isn%26#39;t a problem if the child is 3-4 or more, but younger than that, %26amp; you will have more problems with carrying them etc. You can take a stroller on the trams %26amp; ferrys. If you have room in the trunk, why not try it the first day? If you don%26#39;t like it, you can always rent one. It will also be handy to have your own along for shopping %26amp; downtwn Disney, which doesn%26#39;t have stroller rental.

Rent stroller at MK or bring my own? (I'm driving there)

you can do a search by typing in strollers in the blank box at the top of the forum page.

You situation is a tad bit different since you are driving there... I know I am generalizing to say this but I do think that if that was the one variable in the situation that was changed... 90% give or take 5% would have said bring your own.

You have to wait in line for a stroller... they cost 16-18 dollars per day.

if you are worried about something happening to your current ';nice'; stroller. get a cheap one at walmart for like 15 bucks. an umbrella one wont take up too much room and be very light to carry and even buying a new one you would still save money.

please read my post on the other stroller topic

we grew up in orlando my parents ';lugged'; the stroller. It really itsn%26#39;t that bad. the only place you can%26#39;t have it unfolded is the tram.

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