Monday, December 12, 2011

How busy will the parks/hotels be in early March?

I am wondering if we are getting too close to the busy season if we go then or if we are better off waiting until after spring break? My concern would be if we push to close to May it starts to get really hot then. With two young kids, we are trying to avoid the peak crowds and crazy heat if possible. Beginning to wonder if this is a good idea after all :)


How busy will the parks/hotels be in early March?

The 3rd week of March through the 3rd week of April is considered peak spring break period. If you vacation the first two weeks of March you should be O.K. the parks won%26#39;t be at low capacity but you should find the crowds manageable. As far as temps are concerned your going at a good time as you don%26#39;t have to worry about the oppressive heat and humidity that the summer months bring! Generally the temps are in the high 70%26#39;s.

How busy will the parks/hotels be in early March?

The only thing working against you is the ESPN weekend at WDW the first weekend of March.

Since many sports celebrities will be all over WDW that weekend, I would expect it to be pretty crowded those days. Otherwise, the first of March will be much better than later in the month.

The further in the month of March you get, the more crowds arrive. Also, March is spring training baseball month and the Atlanta Braves have spring training there at Disney, so that brings in even more people.

We usually go the second week of March and it is always pretty darn crowded that week. Weather, however, is usually very nice.

Thanks to both of you for the great information. I had no idea about the ESPN weekend. Dh would probably think it was cool but I would rather avoid the crowds. I also did not know that Atlanta did their ST there either. Being from NY I can tell you we are not Braves fans - lol :). I am really hoping if we go during the week it will help. Thx again.


I`m from Brazil and I`ll be at Orlando on March,10 tru March16. Considering the spring break, would you people tell it is bad time? I know the parks will be crowded, but my question is: Will it be the worst period to go? If I anticipate one week and arrive at Orlando on March, 3 and stay until March 10, will it be less crowded? THANK YOU ALL!!! I DO NEED A HELP ON THIS MATTER!!!

It%26#39;s going to be crowded Dedeca however the massive crowds don%26#39;t arrive until the third week in March.

Thank you healin1! So, I think I麓m going to reeschedule my arrival date in Orlando for March, 3, I guess it麓s the best option I have right now. THANK YOU!!!

Last Question.... What do you guys think about the following days: February 24 thru March 03. Do you think Parks will be ';less crowded';???? I have to pay USD 150,00 to tranfer my flight date once I have already booked and pay for it, and I want to do it it right. If I could, I would postpone my vacation from April 15 ahead, but I can麓t. Thank you all!!!! Dedeca :-)

Just FYI the spring break for High Schools in Canada is the week of March 11th to 17th. As well the PGA Bay Hill Invitational is also that same week.

Thank you JMSH!!!! If I decide to go earlier these dates, I guess I麓ll be fine!!!! :-X

If this is any indication - the moderates %26amp; value resorts are nearly fully booked from March 5 - 12.

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