Monday, December 12, 2011

Animal Kingdom itinerary

Has anyone been to Animal Kingdom since the Expedition Everest ride has opened? Trying to figure out the best way to avoid lines June 17th. Want to go on the Safari and ride Expedition Everest, see lion king show, bugs life, nemo musical, ride dinosaur, triceratops spin, primal whirl and kali river rapids. Not too keen on seeing anything else. What order would you suggest we see things in? Don%26#39;t want to wait in two hour lines and not sure how to use the fast pass. If you get a fast pass for Expedition but are in line at the Safari ride how do you get through the line in time to use the fast pass? Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks so much.

Animal Kingdom itinerary

Go to Safari first because in the early morning most of the animals will be activ!

Take the way over asia and grap a fast pass for Expedition everest, which is a great ride!

Then go on safari (appr. 5 minutes after park opening...)

On your way heading to dino land you stop at expedition everest, using your fast pass!

Then go to dino land!

Grap a fast pass at either ride (dinosaur or whirl) and do the other thing, where you didn麓t get it first...

You have to look after the show times in the park map! The shows are not the problem! :-) just be there 20-30 min prior the show!!

it麓s tough to be a bug is crowded before noon but in the afternoon you will be able to walk almost in straightly!

Animal Kingdom itinerary

First thing to plan on is being in line at the gate when the parks open at 9:00 AM.

Both the safari ride and Expedition Everest both use Fast Pass. However, due to the popularity of Everest and the propensity of it%26#39;s mechanical breakdowns, I suggest you head for it first before the Safari ride, and if nothing else, get a Fast Pass for it. Perhaps get a Fast Pass and ride it first thing, then head for the safari ride.

The Lion King show is held numerous times throughout the day, so you shouldn%26#39;t have any problem getting into a showing of it. The ';Bug'; show is also continueously back-to-back, so you shouldn%26#39;t have to wait for more than one showing of it in most cases. The Nemo musical will be the ';newest'; and most popular show, so schedule your shows around the time you want to see it and get to it%26#39;s auditorium early.

Concerning Fast Pass, while there is a one-hour window of time stamped on the Fast Pass, you don%26#39;t absolutely have to use it in that particular hour%26#39;s timeframe; you can use it later in the day if necessary. The only thing you can%26#39;t do is ';show up'; before the earliest time on the Fast Pass. So, if you are in another part of the park at a show when the ';hour'; arrives, not to worry. You can use the Fast Pass anytime during the rest of the day.

You can ';typically'; have only one Fast Pass at a time, but if you get one in the morning and the ';return'; time isn%26#39;t until later in the day, you%26#39;ll be able to get another one in two hours of the first one. For instance, you get a Fast Pass at 9:30 AM for Everest, but the return time isn%26#39;t until 1:00 PM. At 11:30 AM, you%26#39;ll be able to get another Fast Pass for Everest or any other attraction because two hours have expired since you obtained the first one.

Hope this info helps!!

oh, sorry, i forgot kali..

maybe you can grap a fast pass after using the fast pass in dinoland prior watching a show o r

grap this fast pass after using the fastpass from expedition (because this is quite near)

Kali is v e ry crowded in summer time ... i personally have to say that kali isn麓t my favorite... did it once and never again :-)

Thank you both for all of your help. Great suggestions!!!!!!!!!!

Were down in Oct. Went directly toE.E -no wait. On to Dinosaur-no wait. You cold now try the spin and check on times for Nemo. I would then head to safari and get a fastpass, have lunch, and check on times for the Lion King. Bugs run continually in a fairly large theater so there isn%26#39;t much of a wait. We usually save Kali for last just because you WILL get soaked! Remember the later you get a fastpass the further out your return window will be. You could get a fastpass for safaris at 10A and your return may be 11:30-12:30 At 12P your return may be 3:30 -4:30

Wow ,thanks for the info on fast pass. Was not sure how it worked. Sounds like it could be several hours wait if you get a fast pass later in the day.

Cindy, at some of the most popular attractions, they can actually run out of fastpasses late afternoon. The rule of thumb is that if the stand-by line is less than 1/2 hr getting a fastpass is not an advantage. It will take that long to seek out another attraction and then return for the fastpass. Don%26#39;t get me wrong, when used correctly they CAN save a lot of time. For example: last year we headed directly to Soarin%26#39; and rode with a very short wait. The bride insisted that we do it again so we grabbed a fastpass on the way out noticing the stand-by line was now 1 Hr. Went to the Living Seas and returned to Soarin%26#39; and rode again with a minimal wait. We almost felt guilty walking by the other folks in line. Note ';almost'; Have fun!!

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