Monday, December 12, 2011

logistics question - renting car versus not -sorry if boring

We are coming to KW in early March - this is our second visit with our young daughter (5). I need some opinions/advice. Last visit we rented a car mid visit to drive up the keys to the Dolphin Research Center. We also kept the car for a couple of days in order to more easily visit places such as Fort Zach. Although my husband and I could have easily walked to Fort Zach from our hotel (ICH)...our daughter would not have been able to do this and we weren%26#39;t sure about the logistics of taking a cab there.

This year I%26#39;m considering renting a car at the airport for the first few days. I%26#39;m strategizing that I%26#39;ll be able to visit the cheaper grocery store to stock up on food for our vaca AND we can use the car to drive up to Bahia and to Fort Zach our first few days in KW. I%26#39;m thinking that getting the car right away will save us money as we won%26#39;t have to pay cab fare from the airport to ICH and/or to go and get our rental car mid week when we decide the time is right to visit Bahia and/or we might save some money by getting some food supplies at the Publix rather than the expensive smaller markets within walking distance.

We had no problems finding a parking space last time - so I%26#39;m kind of counting on that again.

Does anyone have any thoughts or advice or experience. We are on a tighter budget this trip and I am trying to plan ahead to save money where we can.

Also - What is the best car rental company and are there any tricks or tips to getting the most for our money?

Finally, my other consideration is to skip the car rental and just stay in KW and walk to everything and not go to Bahia and just lay low and relax...not make this a planned vacation....but there is another part of me that doesn%26#39;t want to miss out on anything!

Thoughts?? Or perhaps this is such a mundane issue that I should just not waste anyone%26#39;s time!!

logistics question - renting car versus not -sorry if boring

I think your last option is the best. Let the vacation days take you where they will. Relax! Don%26#39;t overthink it or over plan it!

logistics question - renting car versus not -sorry if boring

baron, you mentioned Bahia Honda three times in your post, so I%26#39;m assuming you really want to go there.

If you can get a rental for...$30 a day for the first 3 days, that%26#39;s $120 or so with tax.

ICH to Publix and back first day, taxi, $25 round trip. So your first day cost for the rental is $15 if that%26#39;s the only place you go.

Second day, FT. Zach, maybe a tour around, maybe another store stop. Taxi, you%26#39;re already over $40.

Third day, Bahia Honda. Taxi...rediculous, don%26#39;t even ask.

With your plan, a car would be a good choice, if you can get one cheaply. All you need is the smallest, they all are auto/ac.

Use up any discount you can think;t rate, AAA, offer anything, they usually give up a discount on the phone if you%26#39;re very nice and very persistent.

I understand your plight, my husband %26amp; I have 5 kids (his %26amp; mine) and have come to the keys and only been able to eat out once. The kids are grown now so that has changed. However you can find ways to make things work. You can save money when you do go out to eat by ordering appetizers and sharing them rather than a full meal. Especially with a little one who if she%26#39;s like most kids they only eat chicken.

I could take my kids to the best steakhouse there is and they would order chicken fingers. Theres a little store on the way out of key west (it%26#39;s a jiffy store i don%26#39;t know the name) but they have some of the best fried chicken. It%26#39;s before you get to Murrays Marine. If you do rent the car this would be great to take on a picnic lunch to Bahia Honda.

I think my appetitie increases in the keys, all that fresh air %26amp; sunshine and all I want to do is eat. And drink!

It sounds like you are a keys fan and will be back. you could make this vacation all about key west and then next time stay further north and explore some of the other keys. Decisions, decisions!

Have a great time no matter what you decide.

You wrote ';not make this a planned vacation'; this is the reason we love Key West. So much to do that can be done in a moments notice.

If you go to Bahia the Car sounds like your best option.


Thank you for your advice and time! I appreciate all responses. I am thinking we will rent the car for a few days as it seems like it will save us money in the long run.

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