Monday, December 12, 2011


What are you doing? A history run on the tipping archives?


Was just wondering this myself.

You wanna get out more Vegas. Now I know of a really good therapist - very sympathetic and not too expensive if you would lke his details................. Ha Ha.

Love ya really......................


Obviously I print out all of my posts and neatly file them in my vaults. One day they will be valuable and a part of history. I thought that a reprise of the greatest hits esteemed posters like Chelly and Mick would be in order. I am afraid there is nothing new on this forum (except perhaps a 300+ thread).

I just looked back and I was amazed to see the same names and some old ones popping up way back then.

You didn%26#39;t answer if you needed that therapist or not.

I have got a therapist but I have stopped going.

All she wants to talk about is - well - you know.

It all gets embarrassing. She asked me about my passion and I was open and truthful - I told her straight out there is only one passion for the real me.

Trying to stop brits throwing their money away in florida on tips to wealthy waiters who drive BMWs.

bssd - well over a thousand post and I did not notice - well done old timer


Great result for you today

Chopra got a hat trick now that is a suprise, well donr you Blue Birds


Rekindling a hope that we might be playing in the big stadia next season.

I never count on anything too soon.

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