Monday, December 12, 2011


I want a case like on the advert on this Orlando forum page. You know, leather case with stickers placed strategically onto the sides telling the rest of the passengers where you have been recently.

Can anyone tell me where in Orlando you can buy these little flags or pictures of Orlando and do they come with adhesive.

If not it is easy to purchase a Pritt Stick from the Dollar shop


Such stickers may be purchased at souvenir shops, %26amp; are self adhesive. Only purchase 1 sticker from each destination, or you will appear a fool with an assortment of orlando stickers on your precious bag. Also, place the stickers randomly about the bag, posed on-angle, to give the appearance of ';devil may care attitude.'; Most importantly, inform your wife of your special up-coming purchase, so she may pick a seat on the aircraft well away from you %26amp; your little bag.


I%26#39;m still looking for a sticker that says ';My other case is a Pierre Cardin Chateau';

Orlando will be my first, because I haven%26#39;t done it before.

Is there a special way to put the first one on?

Do you put it right in the middle and then future ones can be slapped on anywhere or should i just pop it in in the top right hand corner?

I bet you have had loads in the past - to the point where you are scraping them off.

My case is in great condition do you think I should cover it in a bubble wrap for the journey?

vegas I am surprised at you!

Needing stickers to show off! How ostentatious, how crass!

Surely people can tell by the look on your face, the tone of your voice, your manner of walking, in fact your whole demeanour that you are a well travelled sophisticat.

Personally, I don%26#39;t think you should use the case until you have at least 3 stickers. otherwise, you%26#39;ll look like that kid on the first day of school, with his brand new shoes, %26amp; Incredible Hulk lunch box. Wait to get a few more, or get someone to get you one from their destination. Too bad nick left in a huff, or he could have fetched you one from Vegas. That%26#39;s not cheating because you%26#39;ve been there, you just lacked the good sense to buy yourself a sticker.

How would anyone ever see your luggage, anyway? Doesn%26#39;t your valet follow behind in the other limo so you don%26#39;t have to deal with such pedestrian issues?

Why does everyone say Nick is gone? I thought he was in Las Vegas and then driving to the Grand Canyon and then to LA for a Lakers game.

Oh yes we are well aware of the whole itinerary.

No Butlers,valets or au pairs. I fetch and carry around here.

It%26#39;s just that all of you have these lovely retro leather cases covered in stickers and i want to be the same as you guys. I think I know the sticker that Nick would bring back - and it aint %26#39; had a lovely time at the Luxor%26#39; . Hope he does though.

Where should I stick it?

I know a great Tanner who%26#39;s been %26#39;collecting%26#39; at Barmvitzvahs.

He%26#39;s going to make you a small purse, which he guarantees will turn into a case once you%26#39;ve stroked it!

Vegas, I believe the semigirl would like to tell you where to stick it!

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