Saturday, April 3, 2010

fav attraction

What%26#39;s your absolutely favorite can%26#39;t miss favorite attraction at Disney, even give your fav per resort.

It%26#39;s been 10 years since I%26#39;ve been there. Going Nov 10-16, two adults. all tips appreciated.

fav attraction

At Epcot - Soarin

Animal Kingdom - Dinosaur and Kali River Rapids

MGM Studios - Fantasmic and Tower of Terror

Favorite resort - Yacht and Beach Club!

fav attraction

MK-space mountain.

AK-Expedition Everest



MK......People Mover (don%26#39;t laugh)

MGM...Tower of Terror

Epcot...Mission Space

AK.......Kali River Rapids

Resort....Grand Floridian

Disney doesn%26#39;t even get a ride into the top 3 as far as I%26#39;m concerned. Iskands of Adventure%26#39;s Spiderman is No. 1, followed by IoA%26#39;s Rapids ride and The Hulk.

The fave Disney ones are MGM%26#39;s Tower of Terror and bizarrely AK%26#39;s Primaeval Whirl - I don%26#39;t think a rollercoaster%26#39;s ever made me laugh quite so much.

Epcot ~ It%26#39;s a tie: Soarin %26amp; Mission Space (The spinning version)

Magic Kingdom ~ Splash Mountain

MGM ~ Rocking Rollercoaster

Animal Kingdom ~ Expedition Everest (this is my favorite ride out of all the parks!)

Our must-do list :

MK: Pirates of the Caribbean

Big Thunder Mountain RR

Haunted Mansion

Space Mnt

AK: Kilimanjaro Safari



Epcot: Soarin%26#39;

Test Track

MK = Space Mountain

Epcot = Test Track +Soaring was cool aswell

MGM = Tower of Terror + fantasmic show

AK = Lion King show and Dinosaur

Magic Kingdom: Obviously the castle,, Philar magic and pirates of the carribean

Animal Kingdom: Everest and Tough to be a bug

Epcot: Soarin and Test Track

MGM: Aerosmith and Tower of Terror

Here goes

Magic Kingdom - Splash Mountain then Space Mountain

Epcot - Test Track then Mission Space - not done Soarin

MGM - Rock n Roller Coaster also Fantasmic

Animal Kingdom - Kali River Papids then Triceratops spin. Also Festival of the Lion King

I agree with earlier poster. Most of my fav rides are in IOA and my fav all time is The Mummy in Universal.

In Disney the 2 that stand out are both in MGM. The Tower of Terror %26amp; Rock n Roller Coaster

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