Thursday, April 1, 2010


I am visiting in early May and was wondering - because of my milk bottle white skin, am I likely to catch much sun when visiting the parks with me going in and out of attractions most of the time???


I was there may 06 and it was really really hot and I have quite fair skin and got burnt,, just use a high factor sun cream and youll be ok if you get burt then cover up for a day or to. Most ride ques are under shade but youll be doing lots of walking so better safe than sorry. Walgreens do a really good aloe vera after sun which is like $3 if you do get burnt


CRUMB, and if you do get burnt, put Noxzema on it. It will relieve the pain.

bssd, no it won%26#39;t! It stings.

Firstly, early May is a perfect time to visit Florida weather-wise.

I tan easily but always use a factor 15 and often a 25 as the sun is very intense. Even when you think you are in the shade waiting for the rides you won%26#39;t be all of the time and it%26#39;s better to be safe than sorry as getting burnt is not pleasant.

We generally buy sunscreen in a supermarket once we are there as it tends to be cheaper, but they seem to prefer to stock larger sizes. If you%26#39;re in the parks and are going on the water rides you need to reapply through the day.

I would recommend getting one or two of the Boots kids range small pouches which are handy (I think they may even be factor 30) - that%26#39;s what we use for the parks when we don%26#39;t want to carry anything larger - you can just put them in your pocket.


But after it stings, it helps, kind of like a shot in the arm. I am talking legal.

Again, I am talking about should you happen to get sunburn, put Noxema on it. Who are you going to take advice from, someone who lives in the land of no sun( The UK), Or someone that lives in partial sun.

I%26#39;m African American and was burnt up no natter what I put on that%26#39;s why I started to wait until when the sun was going down when we went out and you can enjoy it more

If you go to the beach or water parks, be sure to use waterproof sunscreen, not just water resistant. Made that mistake once, with very nasty consequences. Also remember to reapply as it states on the directions.

you will need plenty of sunscreen... plenty.

I suggest getting it in the highest number available.

SPF 60 with ';sport'; things like waterproof and sweatproof are good. Makes sure you keep applying. especially to shoulders.

I cannot stress how burnt you will get. In the summer even when it is cloudy you can get a sunburn as the rays in florida are very very strong.

You need a good face sunscreen as well. Apply 3 times during the day... If you have sensetive skin like mine (especially sensitve to fragrence) oil of olay facial moisterizer with SPF 15 (or maybe its higher...) for sensetive skin is a great option. won%26#39;t clog your pours, keep you from getting burned.... and it works well on wrinkles! (that is the trifecta in my opinion)

Also getting some sunglasses might be a good idea. cheap ones are fine... but the glare is really really strong also. hats are a good idea for boys to protect their scalps for getting burned and to cover their face a little. (in case there are boys going on your trip)

You will be out in the sun more than you think, it will be hotter than you think and the UV index that time of year is always at 10. So be careful.

If you do get burnt, aloe vera ';gel'; is the best stuff. the particular brand we have used for years... NOAD aloe vera gel. The gel cools your skin more than lotions do. it also is less heavy on your skin and doesn%26#39;t make you break out and isn%26#39;t greesy. (another trifecta of skin care)

reapply at least again at lunch. dont forget areas like your ears! earlobes can get burnt!

Am I likely to get sunburn in February ???

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