Thursday, April 1, 2010

Green visa wavier forms

My friend returned from Florida last year in Jun and has just rechecked her passports for another trip and discovered the bottom part of the green visa wavier form still attatched.

I am sure that each time we have visited the U.S our airline has kept the bottom part when we check-in for our return flight.

She is worried that her son(who is returning to Orlando with friends this year) may have problems at immigration as according to the form he is still in the U.S!!!!!!!.

Has anyone had any similar problems!

I told her that you lot would put her mind at rest!!!!!!

Green visa wavier forms

According to info on USA immigation site she /he need to contact the embassy as your right techniclly there still in the USA and they take a very serious view of this Hence the photos to make sure the correct person leaves I would get on to this very quick

Green visa wavier forms

This happened to my family a few years ago. I thought I%26#39;d throw them away, but then I read some stories in the Times Travel bit about people who had difficulty entering the USA when this had happened to them so thought I%26#39;d look into it. I googled US visas and sent them back with a covering letter to someplace in Georgia I think - anyway upshot is we didn%26#39;t have a problem on our next visit - I%26#39;d rather err on the side of caution.

u have to return the green part at the departures or they wont let u on the plane!!! maybe whats in her passport is the serated part left....

Yes, tell them to send it back ASAP, preferably with proof of their return flight, all should be fine, as long as the mistake has been rectified before he returns to the US

Ithought that to tony but she must have noticed if its the complete form or just the small strip left after they tear it off ,but if it is the full green slip big trouble as you are down as over staying your time so u will need to sort it quick or as I know has happened your taken to a room questioned not allowed any representation serched and I mean searched then put on a plane home and u cant even see your family

i still have a few green strips in my passport so no worries...................

She said it is the small green strip that they tear off and clip into your passport. Our airline have always taken ours at check in

she.s fine then no worries ..................

Is it the green strip that has info on or just a 1 inch wide piece of green paper because if its the bit with her info on ring the embassy

Not sure but I will check with her. Thanks, I may advise her to contact the embassy just in case.

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