Saturday, April 3, 2010

some good things can happen

We just came back from Disney and I must say i was really impressed: My nephew lost his autograph book somewhere, well, just the other day he received a letter and his book from Mickey. The letter said Mickey had found the book and got all the signatures my nephew

when at Disney, our Magic fireworks voyage was cxled because boat broke down...mgmt refunded 50%of our money without my having to chase them

I must say.....Disney has impressed me....Tootsie

some good things can happen

Hi tootsie!

That%26#39;s an adorable story thank for sharing it and yes good things do happen. And it%26#39;s great you received a 50 percent refund!!! Glad Disney treated you well!

some good things can happen

Thanks Tootsie, that%26#39;s a great story. How did they know it was your boy%26#39;s book? Was your address in it? I think that would be a good tip. My daughter would have been devastated if she lost her autograph book. In the future I will be sure to write name %26amp; adress in the inside cover just in case. Also, why did they only refund 50% of the $ ? Was that your deposit, or did they keep 50%? hardly seem fair. Wouldn%26#39;t you have been more impressed though if the boat hadn%26#39;t failed in the first place? (Now I%26#39;m being the Devil%26#39;s advocate! lol)

I did not dare say anything for fear of being %26#39;orrible negative - I personally would have been hopping mad if I had not got the FULL refund AND some form of compensation for wasted time. I think they got off lightly.

If that is disney at their best -

well %26#39;nuff said I spose

what good news about the autograph book, made a note to put my babes address in hers! thanks

Where is a good inexpensive place to find autograph books? I will need to buy 3 so it will add up!

I was actually thinking the same thing...if their boat broke down, you should get the full refund. It%26#39;s not like you cancelled. I would actually fight for the rest.

It was very sweet of them to send you the book though.

In Florida the souvenir shops offer autograph books for $2, while the Disney ones are 6 or 7. They still have Disney scenes on the front, but say ';Florida'; instead of Disney. The only 2 shops I went to are on idrive next to the Premium outlet mall, beside publix. The other is on World Center Drive, beside ponderosa, across from Caribe Royale. If you%26#39;re staying on Disney property, it%26#39;s just a shot up from the epcot entrance. i%26#39;m sure all souvenir shops carry them. I actually prefer the choices to the standard Disney book.

Thanks! We are staying on International Dr so I will get them there! Every penny saved helps!

Another idea would even be to get the kids to ';make'; their own before you leave. Just get some inexpensive sturdy notebooks and have the kids decorate them themselves - stickers, drawings etc etc.

Might get the kids ';feelin the magic'; even before you leave. Not that they won%26#39;t be excited enough........

Good idea to put name and address in - thanks. I%26#39;ll be doing that later this year ! Can%26#39;t imagine the devasation caused by a lost authgraph book !

Tootsie - baby.

This is still bugging me.

You should write back and complain because from what you have said they should have refunded you AT LEAST in full.

Far from being a %26#39;well done disney letter%26#39; as healin might propose I would take them to the cleaners because they have charged you for something you did not get. I would have hoped healin would have supported this course of action. I would suggest this is below their usual standards.

I feel bad for you because you are forgiving person but unless you and others complain I am sure they will pull the same trick again.

How many were on the boat with you ? - I bet it ended up an early but profitable night for the boatmen.

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