Saturday, April 3, 2010

Is it worth buying a ticket for 2 year old?

My niece will be turning 3 approximately 2 weeks after we leave Orlando. We are concerned that the parks will not believe that she is under 3 and are thinking that it is our best bet to just purchase a ticket for her. What is the procedure? Will they require a birth certificate or some time of identification proving that she is under 3? It seems that it may be better to just avoid the hassle. We will also be under the dining plan, but it seems silly to pay extra for her to be on the dining plan as well because she would eat off of her parent%26#39;s plate anyhow.

Is it worth buying a ticket for 2 year old?

Hello Rio,

No! Don%26#39;t buy her a ticket! She%26#39;s 2 while your on vacation! They never check birth certificates. If your worried bring a copy but don%26#39;t spend unnecessary money!

Is it worth buying a ticket for 2 year old?

I agree.......don%26#39;t buy her a ticket. You have the truth on your side! I would however take the birth certificate just in case if you have it available. We took our son 7 years ago when he was 2 mos shy of 3 and we didn%26#39;t buy a ticket and nothing was ever said to us.

Thank you for your advice, I truly need it. We just don%26#39;t want to be harrassed at every corner, and I haven%26#39;t been there with anybody this age before so it was never an issue therefore I never noticed how the situation is handled. We would prefer not to carry the birth cert if we can avoid it in case it gets lost or whatever, but if you think it may be necessary we can bring it. I guess if worse comes to worse we can always pay and decide once we get there. Of course it would be nice to save the money as well!

If I were you I would bring the certificate since you can get a replacement pretty easy. I am awful and still haven%26#39;t ordered my 2 year olds so thank you for reminding me I need to do that! We are bringing her next mos without a birth certificate but she is small for her age. My honest opinion is that they wouldn%26#39;t harass you anyway. I remember everyone at Disney being nicer than you can imagine anyone being.

Anyway, like I said we had no problems with our son 7 years ago and he was big for his age too. Have fun!

My son was 2 last year when we went to DW and I brought his birth certificate just in case, but I never needed it. Take advantage of some saving whenever you can! My son%26#39;s 3 this year and we%26#39;ll have to suck it up and but the park tks. Oh well!

Just bring a copy not the original just to make you feel better Rio, I doubt you%26#39;ll need it.

If she%26#39;s going to be back at Disney with-in the next 7 years buy non-Expiration tickets now, the price isn%26#39;t going to be getting any lower.

I think this question was asked before, %26amp; some people just said to bring a photocopy of the ID. Afterall, at that point, isn%26#39;t the onus on Disney to prove she%26#39;s NOT 3? Birth cert. don%26#39;t have photos on them anyway, so if somebody wanted to be sly, they could just bring another kids ID. I don%26#39;t think they%26#39;ll give you any trouble.

Buying the no expiration tickets is an excellent idea! Maybe we will do that after all! In NC there are no photo ids for children. Birth Certificate is all we would have. The Disney site itself says you might be asked to prove age with such documents as birth certificate so that is why I said that. My feeling is still that they won%26#39;t say anything.

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