Thursday, April 1, 2010

nascrab races- Tween waters inn

Can someone tell me about this -I%26#39;ve read it more than once- what is it? do you eat dinner there?Is it a show or what- we have kids ages 9-14- would they like it?

nascrab races- Tween waters inn

The early race is a family thing. The later race isn%26#39;t for families. The Tween Waters also has a reataurant, Old Captiva House, that%26#39;s pretty good and in an historic building. Reservations in season recommended. The NASCRAB races are in the Crow%26#39;s Nest bar, a popular spot. Call to see what nights they%26#39;re running.

nascrab races- Tween waters inn

HLSESS - I hope you saw the recently posted review of SSR. the folks stayed in the Beach Villas and some of the private units were remodeling. It happens. Sounds like it spoiled their vacation with the noise. It may have been that building, but you might want to ask the resort and read the review. As the condos are privately owned the resort cannot do anything about the scheduling of renovations during the season. Most owners wait till off-season. I was sorry to read about it.

No I didn%26#39;t see the review- I%26#39;ll read it and tell out agent to check our villas-

I called the resort to ask and they said all construction was finished near the beach villas- so i am not sure who to believe -we are going and are excited so we can%26#39;t worry about it- we don%26#39;t plan to be in the room much during the day anyway.

are the races hermit crab races- we%26#39;ve seen that at Orange Beach-

I got the book i ordered- it is great now I am trying to decide which day trip to do- I can%26#39;t decide-plan to read it thoroughly soon!!

Enjoy HLSESS! I hope you have a great time on Captiva. Its a very special place.

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