Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tpiing onthe Dining Plan ?


I am getting a bit confused. I am sure I read somewhere that the dining plan included the service charge, but yesterday I read that it pays to tip?

I am happy to tip extra for very good, kind, or considerate service - but should I tip everyone else as well? Any opinions most welcome!

Thanks. Mandy

Tpiing onthe Dining Plan ?

oh gawd, tipping! Good luck Mandy.

Tpiing onthe Dining Plan ?

Yes Carla - I didn%26#39;t realise I%26#39;d made a typo until I had posted it!! Sounds far more interesting though, doesn%26#39;t it ! LOL


No mandy do not apologise this is a very sensible question. The answer of course is yes you should ip everyone especially in Disney where they tell you not to tip. This makes it even more friendly and you are cooperating and adjusting to the different culture. Remember when in Rome ....

numa numa hey

Here%26#39;s what I was told - can%26#39;t vouch for the accuracy.

The tip is included in the dining plan but it is handled a little differently for non-Disney restaurants. For example, Raglan Road is on the dining plan but is not a Disney Restaurant. The server in that case receives a flat $3 per person tip. Our bill for six would%26#39;ve been $175, the tip would%26#39;ve been $18...about 10%. We generally tip 15 - 20% and our server was really wonderful so we added some extra to bring it to where we thought it should be.

Like wow ...

numa numa ho

It was my understanding that the ';tip of 18% of total bill'; is included in the meal plan.

I don%26#39;t know if its a coincidence or not, but whenever we mentioned we had the dining plan last month, the servers were ';all over us'; with prompt attention. Seems like they appreciated the dining plan people a little above the paying customers.

numa numa? Is that Latin for phew?

try this link

Ok Vegas, its October, you can let loose on the tipping posts!!!!!!!!

try the link bssd - it is October.

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