Thursday, April 1, 2010

Guidebooks useful for travelling with tween girls

My girls are 9 and 11 and are likely visiting Orlando only once as kids --- we want to do massive research to fill our brains...

We are getting Birnbaums guides for us and for the kids.

What about the Hidden Mickeys, Fodors, Orlando for Dummies, etc? My family does not like roller coaster/scary rides so need options besides those rides!

We read a lot online as well and have been enjoying the great posts here!

Also, one of my kids will celebrate her birthday on our trip - we%26#39;ll be there in November. We are looking at Dine with Shamu - any other suggestions for a special birthday?

thank you!!!

Guidebooks useful for travelling with tween girls

You%26#39;re off to a good start; just do lots of research and then if you have specific questions, come back here and ask them.

The ';birthday'; girl needs something special with meaning to her. You know her better than anyone, so if you tell us what she likes, we might be able to make good suggestions. Dine with Shamu is only one option of many.

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