Thursday, April 1, 2010

What to pack

My husband and I are spending the month of February, and two weeks of March in Panama City Beach. I am at a loss to know what to pack. I have had so much advise. I would appreciate some help from those who have spent this time period in that area. I understand that it is not as warm as southern Florida, but should I expect to wear sandles very often? Will we be able to swim in a heated pool? Will we be able to walk on the beach in the morning with shorts and a light jacket....Any suggestions would be appreciated by those who have spent this time there. I know that every year is not the same, and also that this is dependent on the weather, but I am interested in opinions from those who spend this time there. Thanks in advance....

What to pack

could be 20...could be never know....normally layer and take it off as the day goes on

here is the forecast for feb....

if a cold front comes thru it can be quite windy

not sure about the swimming part....heated pool prolly okay, but gulf temp could still be a bit chilly

What to pack


Hello, I live on the beach and it ALL depends on the weather, more often than not it is cold in the morning but can get to 75 in the afternoon, then cold again at night. It is also very breezy. I normally will wear a cami, then a shirt and in the cooler times a light jacket. Almost always wear flip flops

Just layer things and all will be well, dont plan on swimming though the water is really cold but that is a really beautiful time of year to visit the ocean it is prettier than any other time of the year.

Welcome to the ';World most beautiful beaches';

Hi Emma-Lynn, I agree with Harrell. I live here and today I am wearing fleece pants and a sweater, but last week it was sunny and I was comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. It will feel warmer to you coming from a cold climate, but I wouldn%26#39;t count on swimming. The mornings and evenings will invairably be cooler, especially ON the beach itself, you%26#39;ll have a breeze, so if you want to walk you may need sweats.

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