Saturday, March 27, 2010

childrens holidays in 2008 in usa

we are planning a trip to florida on the 4th april 2008 for 2 weeks will this be the same time as the american children?

childrens holidays in 2008 in usa

If that%26#39;s Easter then I would suspect so.

childrens holidays in 2008 in usa

Orange County schools are off that week but go back to school Monday, April 7. Other counties may differ though.

O.K., for 2008, Easter fall son March 23rd (very early), so the two weeks surrounding this date will be very busy.

My guess is that by April 4th, the spring break crowds may be somewhat smaller than usual, due to Easter coming early, but that may not help much. It%26#39;s traditionally a very crowds time.

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