Sunday, March 28, 2010

visa waiver for usa

Hi there we would like alittle help on where to get some info regarding the us visa waiver. My hubby has some old driving offences that were so long ago but we would like to be safe not sorry.

I understand that firstly we go see our local bobby and ask for a subject assessment form, if this is clear we stop here if not do we apply to the us embassy website and get a appointment. Where is the us embassy in England, is there a few or just the one. We have 21 weeks before we travel so hope we have enough time. We even thought about playing dumb and trying to just walk through but its just not worth the stress.

Also on a different note whats it like to drive over in florida, my friend who%26#39;s just come back says its the british that you have to look out for hahaha.

Happy New Year to all from rainy England xxxx

visa waiver for usa

would not worry about driving offences from long ago, they are more intrested in bigger offences involvong other matters, however if you do not want to take the risk you need to make a appointment at the embassy which is in grovner square london, (near oxford st), you will need to take a memorandum of convictions from the courts, birth cert, paperwork on holiday, (where staying dates etc so booking form should do from tarvel agents) passport, wage slips and bank statements, you will be given a appointment time but this appointment time is in a block with about 100 other people so its first come first served. you will not be allowed in with him so be prepared for a wait, take shopping money with you and be prepared to drink loads of cups of coffee whilst waiting lol

to be honest with you its up to you we did not take the chance with one of our group and booked appointment (he got a fine for pulling wing mirror of car when he was stupidly drunk (girlfriend had dumped him but still no excuse)), he got a year visa when we applied.......

visa waiver for usa

I applied for a visa for a driving offence that happened 9 years ago. Would of been too nervous to go on holiday withoubt it. Was still showing on the subject assessment. I was lucky and got a 10 year visa., and peace of mind :-) As you only have 21 weeks, Id get the process started asap . Hope all goes well for you :-)

You mentioned driving offeneces, i take it that doesnt include the odd three points on you driving license for minor speeding offences?

I hope not Danny, I bet 90% of UK resident have been Gatzo%26#39;d, with the ridiculous number of cameras on our roads nowadays!!

As far as I understand things, as long as you tell the truth when filling out the i94 then you will be fine.

I had a ban for drink driving years ago during my stupid younger years..........its still on there but i would never think of applying for special visa%26#39;s and I have entered the US around 25 times in the past 8 years since this!!!

I am trying to picture the back of the i94 and I am sure it doesnt mention driving offences - just a questions regarding convictions of crimes, I am sure a few points on your licence wouldnt be termed a crime as such!!!

I think they are only interested in real crimes, not driving offences (unless they were serious!). Moral turpitude, being a member of a terrorist of communist organisation, that sort of thing.

You%26#39;ll be fine

Sorry to butt in - dicanio - How are you so sure what they are interested in? It says any cri minal offence. How would a charge of robbery not convited over 15 years ago stand?

Some would say these were moral turpitude!

It all goes back to the interpretation of %26#39;moral turpitude%26#39; for which there isn%26#39;t a difinitive one in US law. If they don%26#39;t like the look of you or your attitude they can, in theory, throw any offence back at you as moral turpitude and refuse entry.

But they would, in general, have to have a reason to dig deeper into your info, details of driving offences, petty crime, arrest you were never charged for, etc. are not automatically forwarded to US immigration when you board the flight. It%26#39;s only major criminals and the likes of paedos who are flagged.

However, if you look nervous or suspicious enough to be pulled to one side they can get your enire life story from the UK. Otherwise they%26#39;re relying on limited data and your honesty.

Peachy - well written reply, i agree with everything you said!

Agree - you have to use a little common sense and ask yourself, %26#39;what is the US Government targeting at present%26#39; - they dont have endless resources and so most work goes into targeting %26#39;terrorists, rapists, drug traffickers%26#39;, etc, etc. As Peachy said, they really couldnt care less about a drink driving offence years ago if you are otherwise an upstanding member of society and have a nice manner about you............conversally, if you go through immigration looking nervous/suspicious, etc then they will probably call you into that room (I was once years ago)! Same thing with customs on arrival home - the worst thing you can do is look at the customs guys and then quickly look away or look suspicious - i am careful about this as I buy so much darn stuff :)

Like you say Nick, common sense.

So, what did they do to you in that room, did you ever walk the same again after?

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