Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How much do you tip a babysitter?

Okay, sorry to start a tipping post...hopefully this won%26#39;t be as controversial!

We are planning on hiring a babysitter through Kids Nite Out, and wondered what you usually tip a babysitter. We%26#39;ve never paid for one...always had grandparents available at home.

Also, if anyone has used this or any other babysitting service, any feedback is appreciated! (We are not staying on-site at Disney, so the group sitting isn%26#39;t possible. We%26#39;ll be at a villa)



How much do you tip a babysitter?

We used Fairy Godmothers while we were there in July. We were very pleased with the woman who came to sit with our kids. They use older, ';grandmother'; type people and she came with videos for the kids to watch. She took them out for a walk (we were at Fort Wilderness so they went on a little nature hike) fed them dinner and had them in bed when we got home. I believe that her name was Marguerite.

We tipped her an additional $20 dollars for the four hours that she watched our three kids.

How much do you tip a babysitter?

This is a case where tipping isn%26#39;t necessary. In fact, I%26#39;ve had friends and relatives use the services of Kids Nite Out and others, and just paid the rate quoted. But I have known some to tip, depending on the circumstances.

I think some of it should depend on your children. If you have well behaved kids that will be easy to entertain, that%26#39;s one thing. If you have kids that are overly energetic, or who are known to get into a lot of mischief, and you come back to a totally peaceful and tranquil group, then I would be inclined to give them something extra. Also, if they have to deal with any unexpected mishaps (sick child, etc.), then I would be inclined to give them something extra.

They are paid very well for what they do, unlike most people you usually tip (servers in restaurants, housekeeping, bellman, etc.), so they don%26#39;t rely on tips for their income. So whether you give them extra is entirely up to you.

That%26#39;s good to know. The $16.50 per hour plus transport fees will probably have us at $100 for some time away. When you%26#39;re not used to budgeting for babysitting...ouch! But I want to pay for the best care, and they seem to come highly recommended.

Thanks again,


Is $16.50 enough though these days, surely we could give more

Tip them nothing.

Ban Tipping


I%26#39;d tip 10% of the total fee or around $20 unless your children are really badly behaved. I haven%26#39;t used Kids Night Out but have many friends who have and been very happy-and one of them has 5 pretty rowdy kids.

I agree Mick

I would give her $20 if she tidied up and made the beds... and if she was really pretty.

About 45 degrees

I realize that I am not answering your question but I notice in another post that you stayed In orlando and rented a condo with Lyndsie and MArtin.

We are doing the same and I wanted to know if there was anything you wished you would have brought from home..

Please feel free to email me


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