Sunday, March 28, 2010

Relocating to Port St. Lucie

I am relocating to Port St. Lucie coming from Miami. I%26#39;ve been there many times to visit and the people there are very nice. I am afraid and anxious because this will be a big change for my husband and I. I wanted to know how the schools are because I am looking to teach at Port St. Lucie and I was wondering if there are any bad areas that I should be aware of. Hopefully is nothing compared to Miami because I have worked at inner city schools and it is not nice.

Relocating to Port St. Lucie

comparing port st. lucie with miami would be like comparing apples and coconuts. we do not have what i would call a %26#39;bad area%26#39;. there isn%26#39;t any %26#39;black%26#39; section or %26#39;hispanic%26#39; section as you would probably find almost anywhere else. we all live together %26#39;mixed in%26#39; and it seems to be working out just fine. our crime rate is low so no need to worry there.

there are several schools in ort st. lucie. in fact they are building a brand new high school around the corner from me, in the south western part of port st. lucie. i don%26#39;t know the name of it. but it should be comleted in a few months. i don%26#39;t have any children, so i am not the one to ask about the school system here, but i doubt you would have any problem being hired. i think everyone is short of teachers. it is the most unappreciated, and under paid profession out there. good luck, and let me know if you need any more questions answered.

Relocating to Port St. Lucie

Hi Mary--I%26#39;m sure that you will find PSL refreshingly different and slow-paced from Miami. We have an amazing amount of cultural diversity in our town and have been named one of the safest cities of its size for several years. The St. Lucie County school system would probably welcome you with open arms, not the best paying though. The new high school will be called ';Treasure Coast High'; and is opening in August. I have lived here for over 14 years and have seen the amazing growth in that time. We need more shopping centers and restaurants to keep our money in this county, and they are slowly coming, but not fast enough to offset the pace of the growth. I love it here, and I%26#39;m sure you will as well.

laci, are you like me and wonder why we have so many car washes, pharmacies and dr.%26#39;s offices on pSL blvd? your right, we need more shopping centers and less walmart%26#39;s.......

I%26#39;m with you there!! Spoke with a friend of mine who lives in Tradition and she says they are definitely getting the Mall Of America out that way--GOK when. Would be so nice not to have to go out of county for things. I can%26#39;t wait for the City Center to develop more as I live on the east side of town and have to go to St. Lucie West for anything. I%26#39;m glad we%26#39;re getting growth here finally--starting to feel a little left out!

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