Saturday, March 27, 2010

which would be a better week?

We just found out our children are not going back to school until Sept 10th.

Is there a difference in going to Disney the last week of Aug or the first week in Sept (which would include Labor Day)

Thanks. Tina

which would be a better week?

Yes, there%26#39;ll be a very big difference.

According to touringplans, if you have a choice, go the first week of September. The crowds will be heaviest on the Saturday of the labor day weekend (the%26#39;ll be about equivalent to any day in the entire last week of August), and then drop off significantly. Even labor day will be less crowded than almost any day in the last week August.

which would be a better week?

The first week of Sept....Labor Day is the 3rd, most schools that haven%26#39;t gone back to school the last week of Aug. will start Sept. 4th, so the people that are trying to get to Disney before school starts are going to be leaving at the latest Sept.3rd, the rest of that week is always good.

Another vote for first week of September. Yes, that weekend will be crowded, but the rest of the time should be great for low crowds.

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