Sunday, March 28, 2010

Coming Tommorrow with a first timer, what to do?

My father who has never been to key west will be living there for the next month and a half to escape the cold North. Hes got a house just outside of Key West and we%26#39;re headed down tommorrow!!

(I live in fort lauderdale and have been to key west only twice). Once we get settled where shoudl we and what should we do! Open to pretty much anything. Any dog friendly things to do?

Coming Tommorrow with a first timer, what to do?

All three of you can visit the Schooner Wharf Bar...

Assuming your father is able to walk OK just start to explore - Duval Street is 1.25 miles long so you can go up Duval and down Whitehead or Simonton. Find the Key West Bight on the northeast side and the Mallory Docks on the northwest. Especially find and explore several cross streets; Petronia, Caroline and Front.

It%26#39;s a start.


Coming Tommorrow with a first timer, what to do?

I%26#39;ve been wanting to go to the Schooner Wharf Bar ever since I saw some videos of Micheal Mccloud on google video.

can%26#39;t wait! (does he play on saturdays?)

An afternoon, or sunset sail on the Liberty schooner would be a nice relaxing thing for you to do with your dad. It%26#39;s a nice ship, and drinks and snacks come with the ticket. If your father is a history buff, Harry Truman%26#39;s Little White House is very interesting. And of course, every tourist needs to take the Conch Tour Train at least once. Yeah it%26#39;s a bit tacky, but they actually give you a good orientation of the Old Town area. Enjoy your trip.

I wanted to emphasize that if all of you are to be there for the entire time, don%26#39;t do anything special for a week except to get to know the area, which isn%26#39;t hard. There is a bookstore on Fleming, a half block off Duval, where there are books about Key West and used books you can buy for cheap.

A lot of places are dog friendly in Key West (See if you can find ';dog beach';). Bob the dog occassionally goes to B.O.%26#39;s Fishwagon on Caroline, and it%26#39;s not unusual for a dog to sit on the bar at the Conch Republic Seafood Co at the Key West Bight. There are a pair of Dachshunds that take their morning constitutional near Turtle Kraals. And many people walk their pups on the sidewalk at Smathers Beach, across from the airport.


Ref SWB, Michael McCloud and dogs... All at the bar... All welcome and yup! on Saturdays!

Believe it or not, the lovely Mrs Seabus and myself went to SWB last Saturday afternoon specifically to attend a dog%26#39;s fourth birthday party... Angus was his name and his owners laid out a spread os liverwurst, tomatoes, onions and fresh bread. Of course, those on two feet put it all together, the dogs who came were only intereted in the liverwurst - Go figure! (Only in Key West? Probably!)

ps, The dog beach is located right next to Louie%26#39;s Backyard - It%26#39;s about 40 feet of frintage on the Atalntic.

The Dog Park is located at the foot of the White Street Pier - It%26#39;s fenced in and you can let your dog just run... A great place.

Great story Seabus!!! I%26#39;m absolutely devastated that MM won%26#39;t be playing on Super Bowl weekend when we are down there (do KW locals actually go elsewhere on vacation?), but I%26#39;m looking forward to stopping by and seeing Angus, Oakley, and the other 4-legged regulars.

Also, do you know if Bubba from the group that is playing at noon next weekend is the same big blond dude that plays with MM and Friends? If so, does he play MM classics?

Thanks for all the great tips, I am writing them all down. my father is 55 so he is definetly still mobile :) He%26#39;ll be there the entire time thought I%26#39;ll be down most weekends. Thanks again and keep em coming.

Since he is going to be there for a month, and is mobile, I%26#39;d suggest a day trip to the Dry Tortugas on the Yankee Freedom. It%26#39;s a great place to go snorkling, and Fort Jefferson is a wonder to explore. has all the info. Drawback is that it is not cheap.

The first time we walked in Kelly%26#39;s on Whitehead for happy hour we met two people and two dogs sitting at the bar (yes the dog were sitting at the Bar). Had a great time with them.


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