Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Orlando weather

hey guys, I will be hitting orlando in a few days. The choice of destination was simply the beautifully weather we experienced last year around mid january. From visiting various weather channels it seems that weather in orlando is not so great at the mo? any help much appreciated.

Orlando weather

look at for upto date weather info they also do a weekly forcast

Orlando weather

15 day forecast here:鈥?/a>

I thought that the weather over Xmas was good - but recently not so good - and next week crap!

I nearly left last Friday rather than next Friday. Here%26#39;s hoping Monday week is better.


Bright sun, 85 degrees and nary a cloud in the sky it%26#39;s not...........BUT, we batted urover .500 for our (all too short) stay.

Arrived late Wed (very early Thurs) and it was, well, dark.

Thurs kind of bleak, overcast, spotty rainshowers, chilly in the low 60%26#39;s.

Friday and Saturday started out nice and just continued to get better...mid to high 70%26#39;s by yesterday afternoon. Coincided very nicely with the end of our convention and first real chance to get outdoors and enjoy the sun.

This morning temp was 70 at breakfast but overcast, windy and forecast to not show much sign of improvement any time soon.

But;s January and 2 ';near perfect'; days out of 4 is a whole lot better than it was at home....we%26#39;ll take it!!

Hoping for the best for your stay. Were I in your shoes I%26#39;d take at least some solace in the fact that ';they'; are predicting less than ideal conditions for your time here. Weather forecasts for anything much beyond the next day or so are pretty much a joke...I figure if they are predicting bad weather for the time I%26#39;m interested in - that%26#39;s a good thing since they are wrong so often ';bad'; very likely will turn out to be ';good';%26lt;g%26gt;.

Bobby - we were out late Jan one year - it was unseasonably chilly then (back in 2000) and they were having to cover plants at night to protect from frost! Having said that, when the sun was out, you could feel it on your back. Will be chilly at night so take your longjohns or at least some layers/pullovers etc - you will feel it after being out during the day.

Sounds like it will be a little cooler when you go out too - but compared to Scotland, where we don%26#39;t feel the sun on our back till April, will be fine I%26#39;m sure.

We%26#39;ve decided not to go again this time of year because we actually love the hot and humid temperatures of late summer (wibble)

Thanks for the feedback Chinners. I also prefer humid to chilly. But fingers crossed that we get some good weather when we go (from 2 Feb to 16 Feb).

I%26#39;ve also been during the hot months (July 1992) and loved it! But you don%26#39;t get two week holidays for 拢270 ($500) in July (that%26#39;s what we paid for this holiday).

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