Saturday, March 27, 2010

Florida Keys devastated by Charley/Wilma/Katrina?

Hi! I was in the midst of planning a trip to the Keys and southern Florida when I saw some comments which made me start rethinking things:

Coral Lagoon was absolutely great! But, Wilma

wiped it out. Total bummer! The only place we liked to stay when we went on dive trips to the Keys. They are building condos where Coral Lagoon and the Dive Site previously had been located. Progress....not always for the best.

Other places were flooded by Charley or Katrina.

Should I still bother trying to go down there or wait until next year? If so, where should I stay?

Thanks in advance,


Florida Keys devastated by Charley/Wilma/Katrina?

Most of what was flooded or damaged by those hurricanes has been repaired. Unlike New Orleans, the keys has been pretty much rebuilt.

Where should you stay? How about giving us a hint:

What area do you want to visit?

When (what months) are you going?

How much money are you planning to spend?

What are you planning to do?

Florida Keys devastated by Charley/Wilma/Katrina?

We used to stay at Coral Lagoon too. Try Key Colony Beach, you will find it better than Coral. Plus the people who owned Coral Lagoon had really let it go. I heard it was pretty rundown before the hurricanes. Almost everything is back to normal in the keys. I%26#39;m not sure about the dive places in Marathon. You might check in to Key Largo for diving as that seems to be the place most divers go.

As others posters have already said, most of the damage the Key%26#39;s received was from Wilma in Oct 2005. We were in Key Largo in March of 2006 and I was amazed at how quickly the area recovered. Most of the damage I noticed was to the floral and fauna. It was a little bare but no worse than that. I even took two snorkel trips last year and enjoyed them tremendously (I highly recommend Keys Divers in Key Largo). The reefs were still quite beautiful.

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